Teachers & Mentors

With Such Gratitude

Mahara Brenna Eqypt7 358x379

I acknowledge some of the Great Minds and Soulful Hearts…

The Teachers & Mentors on my Journey

Dido Morris

ManDido Morris

Dec. 24, 1935 – Jan. 9, 2009  Beloved Soul Mate and long-time partner. As the Baba of African Drum and Dance community, Dido started Vancouver’s infamous first “Drum Circle” at the Anchor at Spanish Banks in 1979. More on Dido in this Common Ground article.

Parmahansa Yogananda
Baba Muktananda
A Course in Miracles
Albert Einstein
Joseph Chilton Pearce
Buckminster Fuller
Erich Fromme
I Ching
Louise Hayes
Mahatma Gandhi
Dr. Gerald Jampolsky
Jane Roberts
Master Jesus
Lenard Orr
Ken Keyses
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Dr. Chuck Spezzano
Joseph Cambell
Jean Huston
John Randolph Price
Terry Cole Whittaker
Earnest Holmes
Robert A. Johnson
Dr. Deepak Chopra
Matt Weinstein
Ann Mortifee
Ram Dass
Pia Mellody
John Bradshaw
Scott Peck
Mandido Morris
Gabrielle Roth
Thich Nhat Hanh
Thomas Moore
Marion Woodman
Robert Bly
David Gershon
Stewart Wilde
Lynn Andrews
Jean Bolen
Dhyani Ywahoo
Serge Kahili King
Geneen Roth
Garry Zukav
Dali Lama
Julia Cameron
Mantak Chia
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Neale Donald Walsh
Barbara Marciniak
Ken Wilber
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
Gay Hendricks
John Gray
Caroline Myss
Marianne Williamson
Byron Katie
Dan Millman
Rev. Michael Beckwith
Andrew Harvey
Marshall Rosenberg
Mathew Fox
Joanna Macy
Rupert Sheldrake
Stephen Lewis
Gregg Braden
T. Harv Eker
Dr. Wayne Dyer
Eve Ensler
Eckhart Tolle
Bruce Lipton
Mother Akasha & Lord Asun
The Angelic and Ascended Host

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